Allow customers to create vibrant and memorable custom canvas prints that their grandparents would appreciate. Many countries set aside a day to spoil grandparents. Save these dates and target your marketing efforts to honor dads on their special day, globally.

This day of gift-giving, date nights, and love always falls on February 14. Photo products such as peel & stick prints are great for this occasion as they work well for decor and temporary graphics. The Chinese New Year celebration includes elaborate decorations that can showcase this year’s animal, the ox. In 2021, the Chinese New Year falls on February 12 and is celebrated for 11 days. This holiday is celebrated by giving gifts to children and young adults who are not yet married. You don’t have to live in China to celebrate the Lunar New Year. Here’s what you need to know about global holidays in 2021 so you can direct your efforts accordingly. These holidays allow additional opportunities to market to your customers. Countries around the world exchange presents throughout all seasons. People around the world celebrate different holidays at different times of the year based on their own cultures and histories. Posted at 07:39h in Global, Marketing by Mason Interactive Don’t Miss These Global Holidays